Trash Service Options for Homeowners

The board would like to let homeowners know that Ray’s Trash is offering a discount to the neighborhood should 85% of our section sign up.  This offer is for direct-billing to the homeowner.  If you are interested in switching, their current rate is $13.50 per month plus tote rental.  Should the number of homeowners utilizing Ray’s reach 85% of 273 homesites, the rate would be discounted as outlined in the PDF below.  Please see the attached letter and menu of services for more information.  Ray’s will be able to track this and adjust the bill if it becomes appropriate.  This is not an endorsement of Ray’s.  Please click the links below regarding Ray’s offer.

[dropcap1 variation=”slategrey”]1[/dropcap1] Ray’s Menu of Services

[dropcap1 variation=”slategrey”]2[/dropcap1] Ray’s Offer for Wakefield

If you are happy with your trash service, you do not need to change; however, you may wish to contact them to see if you can lower  your monthly cost.