SAVE THE DATE: January 27th, 2014

The Wakefield Annual HOA meeting is scheduled for 7pm on January 27th.

Please note the location is different than past years.  We will be having the meeting at the White River Township Trustee’s Office at 2929 S. Morgantown Rd.

The Trustees office is just south of Center Grove High School and the Professional Resource Center (formerly old Maple Grove Elementary).

Letters should have already been received by all homeowners.

If you can not attend, please complete your Proxy and give it to a neighbor that is attending or one of the current board members.  Feel free to email the HOA and we can make arrangements to get the proxy from you.

Also, if you are interested in serving on the board, you do not have to be present at the meeting should you have another commitment that night.  We ask that you complete the nomination form and get that form to a friend that can represent you that will be in attendance or get it to a board member.

Please let us know if you have any questions.




Trash Service Options for Homeowners

The board would like to let homeowners know that Ray’s Trash is offering a discount to the neighborhood should 85% of our section sign up.  This offer is for direct-billing to the homeowner.  If you are interested in switching, their current rate is $13.50 per month plus tote rental.  Should the number of homeowners utilizing Ray’s reach 85% of 273 homesites, the rate would be discounted as outlined in the PDF below.  Please see the attached letter and menu of services for more information.  Ray’s will be able to track this and adjust the bill if it becomes appropriate.  This is not an endorsement of Ray’s.  Please click the links below regarding Ray’s offer.

[dropcap1 variation=”slategrey”]1[/dropcap1] Ray’s Menu of Services

[dropcap1 variation=”slategrey”]2[/dropcap1] Ray’s Offer for Wakefield

If you are happy with your trash service, you do not need to change; however, you may wish to contact them to see if you can lower  your monthly cost.


Need a New Mailbox or Paint for It?

The Wakefield Board has 4 mail boxes, paint and brushes available to homeowners, first come first served. These are available for a limited time as we are trying to clear out items that we personally are storing and are available at no charge.

The mailboxes do not have numbers or lettering so the homeowner will need to purchase them as well as put them on the box.

These will be disposed of if no one claims them so pleae contact the board via email or Facebook to claim a mailbox, paint or both.

Thank you.


Geese Decoys…please read

Geese decoys are going to put around the ponds in the near future. Please do not remove these and discuss with your children that they are in place to help with the geese population and should not be played with while at the ponds.

Thank you.