Neighborhood Project Survey

The Board of Directors would like your input on what neighborhood projects you would like to see completed during 2015.  We invite you to fill out this SurveyMonkey survey to give us your thoughts.  Please have your survey completed by Saturday, January 24 at 9:00 PM.  (Only one survey per household.) Thank you so much for your time!

Covenant Review Committee

The Board of Directors would like to form a committee of board members and homeowners to revise some of the neighborhood Rules and Regulations, and possible covenants.  Please click here or on the link below for more details.  We would love to hear your thoughts and accept volunteers at the annual meeting on Monday, January 26th at 7:00 PM at the Southland Church (Old West Grove Elem.)

Click to view memo

New Year = Annual Meeting Time (Updated Proposed Budget)

The Wakefield HOA Annual Meeting will be held on January 26, 2015 at 7pm. The meeting location will be held at Southland Church (formerly known as West Grove Elementary). The address is 5800 West Smith Valley Rd.

The letter mistakenly referenced Thursday instead of Monday. The budget was not included but it can be reviewed below:

Proposed 2015 Budget

Note: the proposed was updated 1/25/2015.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The last HOA meeting of 2014 is coming up…

December 15th is the next Wakefield HOA meeting. The start time is 6:30pm and will be held at the White River Trustee’s office on Morgantown Road just south of the Center Grove Professional Resource Center (former Maple Grove Elementary).

We hope to see some neighbors attend in preparation of 2015’s Annual HOA meeting in January.

29. What does it stand for?

Thank you to all the homeowners that paid their annual dues on time. It is greatly appreciated.

At the end of April, there were 29 homeowners that have not paid their current dues in full out of 273 lots. That equals $7,975 that is part of our annual budget that has not been received.

If you have paid your dues since the end of April, thank you. If you are still owing, please remit your payment to KMC per the options available on the letter/coupon. There is a $25 late fee in addition to the original due amount of $275.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Wakefield HOA Board



Spotlight on Covenants: New Monthly Post

Hello neighbors, and Happy Spring!

The Wakefield HOA Board has decided to spotlight various Wakefield Covenants, Rules and Regulations on a regular basis in an effort to assist all homeowners maintain our neighborhood. We believe this will be a helpful tool for all. You have ready access to the Governance Documents on this website.



All trash, rubbish, garbage or other waste shall be regularly removed from a Lot and shall not be allowed to accumulate theron. All trash rubbish or other waste shall be kept in sanitary containers. All trash containers and equipment used for the storage or disposal of trash, rubbish or other waste shall be kept clean and shall be stored in a garage, except on scheduled waste collection days. By way of example and to clarify the requirements of this rule, no owners or residents shall store any trash container or bag in an area of a Lot, including, but not limited to, beside the garage, the driveway, the front porch, or any other area where the container or bag is visible from any other Lot.

Update: HOA Meeting for 2/17 is postponed

Due to the weather conditions anticipated later this afternoon and into this evening, the board has decided to postpone the HOA meeting for tonight until next week.  It is tentatively scheduled for Monday, February 24 at 6pm pending confirmation from the White River Trustee’s office.

Thank you for your understanding and please be safe this afternoon and evening.