Neighborhood Project Survey

The Board of Directors would like your input on what neighborhood projects you would like to see completed during 2015.  We invite you to fill out this SurveyMonkey survey to give us your thoughts.  Please have your survey completed by Saturday, January 24 at 9:00 PM.  (Only one survey per household.) Thank you so much for your time!

3 Replies to “Neighborhood Project Survey”

  1. One of the largest issues that I feel we have as a subdivision is the lack of security lighting. For instance, the primary entrance off of Smith Valley Road is very dark and at times it is hard to tell where the island is in relation to the entrance. Many intersections are unlit or poorly lit. We have all noticed an increase in burglaries, vandalism and non-violent crime over the past several years. Lighting and neighborhood vigilance will go a long way to driving this crime out.


    1. Hi Darren.

      This is a concern that we can address. There is a cost to adding additional light poles as well as the electrical cost. I will pass this along to the rest of the board and share. Have you ever considered participating on the board?



  2. I am new to the neighborhood and have noticed there is no street sign for my street. I live on Homestead Lane. Do you know if this is being replaced?



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